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svg+xml;charset=utf - Veuve Clicquot - In The Sun - Brisbane
Sunday 24th March 12pm - 4pm

The YOT Club has partnered up with Veuve Clicquot to bring you an exclusive one-off, Summer superyacht experience like no other. Be greeted with a glass of Veuve Clicquot on arrival and prepare yourself for a day of luxury on the Brisbane River. Enjoy Clicquot-inspired roaming canapes, a deluxe fresh oyster bar and locally made gelato for dessert, all whilst enjoying panoramic views and live music aboard a superyacht.

Grab your friends who enjoy the finer things in life and secure your spot to this exclusive event today.

Ticket Inclusions


Important information about your departure time, location and boarding requirements.


3 Hrs









Photo ID


No Smoking

Or vaping

Dress Code

Click me to learn more

Cruise Duration

3 Hours

Boarding Time






Age Restriction


Photo ID

Must be presented

No Smoking

Or vaping

Dress Code

Click me to learn more

Reserve Your Spot

Ocean Deck - $149Upper Deck - $239
svg+xml;charset=utf - Veuve Clicquot - In The Sun - Brisbane

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Frequently Asked Questions


Our managers and security team have full authority to deny patrons entry. We give them full discretion and their decisions may be due to inappropriate behaviour, language, dress code, tattoos and anything else they feel is not appropriate to let you onboard.

Dress Code

The YOT CLUB is an upmarket venue and we encourage guests to dress to a high standard. Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any attendee’s that do not adhere to the dress code policy.

**If you are hosting an event or function on the YOT Club we recommend notifying all guests **

  • Men must wear a collared shirt (polo shirts with collars will be accepted)
  • No singlets, tank tops or t-shirts
  • No thongs, steel caps or men’s sandals
  • No activewear or hoodies
  • No jogging shoes
  • No beach wear
  • No clothing bearing offensive slogans or pictures
  • No caps
  • No excessively ripped, dirty or revealing clothing

Tattoo Policy

  • No tattoos that are offensive or gang related

Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any person in breach of YOT Club entry policies. As long as tattoos on arms, legs or any other part of your body aren’t of an offensive or gang related nature, it’s fine. We celebrate self expression and want people to dress up and enjoy themselves.

Entry ID

Patrons must be 18 years and over to attend a YOT Club ticketed event. You must have a valid ID with you, photos or copies of ID will not be accepted. Acceptable forms of ID required:

  • A current Australian drivers license
  • An Australian or foreign passport
  • An 18+ Card

Anti-violence Policy

YOT Club has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to any aggressive behaviour, harassment or misconduct. Anyone who engages in fighting, harassment of any kind or other destructive behaviour, will receive a minimum 1 year ban from our venues, which may affect your entry into other venues on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane. Our priority is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone who boards the YOT Club. If you see any behaviour that risks your safety or the safety of others, please tell the closest member of staff and the matter will be dealt with according to our zero tolerance policy.

Reserve Your Spot

Embark on a long lunch that you’ll never forget!